The Scoop
What is it that fuels each and every one of us in this world? For me, it is thefitfablife (and yummy food). I enjoy writing about my passions, what interests me, what interests other people, and sharing it with the world. With each passing day, thefitfablife gains more followers, and with that, even more success. This blog is about the life I find fabulous. I love to be fit so I included that as well. You will find stories, recipes, fitness ideas and things that I find fabulous, and that could be a lot because I am a naturally happy and optimistic person so it does not take much for me to think something is fabulous. I have been blessed with what I feel is an extremely fabulous life and I want to share it. People are always telling me they love my stories so I thought I would share some of them with the world and maybe bring a smile to someone's face in the process. I hope you enjoy reading about my fitness ideas, my food adventures (and there will be many because I love food) and things I find fabulous. I am an everyday gal so don't expect a list of fabulous things that no one can afford. I love a good bargain and will share them all! Happy reading and Be Fit and Fabulous!
thefitfablife is a division of Good2GoRun